Tuesday, 16 June 2009

16th June 2009

Guess what happened to me today?

No one reads this I can write whatever I like about people right?

Anyway since my last update I have been to Las Vegas. This is heaven, as its full or retired gangsters, free drinks and hookers, normally the kind of people I get on very well with. Although you develop a gambling problem and a loss of time. I also went to Mexico where I had a bad incident with a dentist. But a good incident with the staff at the pharmacy. We had a bbq in Kings Heath park which was quite heoric until somone kicked a football onto it, and mapatazi bob get better and better everytime I see them play. Some idiot also let me play with the Zatopeks. So this year ive been to Vegas and played with the Zatopeks. Alls well apart from my head.

So Guess what happened to me today? Absolutely nothing.

I got up went to work came home smoked a tonne drank about 20 cups of coffee and I'm about to go to sleep. Except I'm not about to go to sleep I'm about to stay up and watch sky news which due to it being a 24 hour channel apparently means it need to be shown on the t.v set in my house 24 hours a day. To be quite honest its like a bad film. Not sky news however. Recently I have begun to plan things quite a bit. In fact I wouldn't say quite a bit id say worryingly quite a lot. I am extremely unsure if this is selfishness or just Ive day dreamed that much for that long that its gone beyond day dreaming and turned into full scale prophetic visions. In the past couple of weeks in my head not only have I planned my wedding which is think most people would find unusual for a straight male. I have also planned my funeral. Neither of these I plan to attend as I will probably be busy staring in a gaze at sky news the only source of entertainment in the hamlet of Caunsall. The wedding thing could kind of be considered as a nice thoughtful daydream from a lonely little punk rock kid. The funeral thing however may I add isn't even attention seeking its just pure selfishness! So mainly this week my mind has now been on where do we draw the line between hopes and aspirations, and being selfish cunts? I'm sure there are a lot of people who say I see daily in big cars and suits that would walk over anyone to get what they want and many people perceive this as these said people achieving their goals. Which is nice id love to achieve my own personal goal of being able to afford to rent a flat on my own. Not three flats. Not an Audi. Just a small simple flat with a bed and a kitchen and enough to buy some bottles of cider or something at the weekend! So this positive side puts me into the good side of the whole hopes vs being a selfish cunt debate. Although the funeral visions still strongly put me on the negative side of the argument. Another on going daydream/plan is, I plan the first music video my band are going to make hang on a second, I don't have a band. I do play gigs correct (the next one is at the wagon and horses 26th of June with my long awaited violin player) ( This is product placement, Ive learnt this from all the sky news Ive been watching recently) Anyway I'm a pretty shoddy musician and the day wont come when someone will pay me to make a video. So I shouldn't hope for it. The problem is these days dreams have developed too far and I now have to kick myself into reality before I actually go and tell someone about the video shoot I have tomorrow. This is a SERIOUS problem. I have recently signed up as a member of a Liberal Democrat to help solve all these problems as I know they will let me lead there party, and then I will go on to be Priminster this isn't a daydream its common sense. I will win the campaign on the re opening of all pubs that have been shut, fuck the expenses scandal I honestly think this is main issue facing our country. Where are we gonna go complain about all these thieving politicians? Anyway sorry for being so apathetic, but I actually consider apathy to be a good personality trait like humour, and bitterness. Anyway heres an uplifting song from the tossers to cheer you up ( I listened to it but it didn't help my day dreaming)

Oh and these bitter fuckin blogs are going to happen everday for no one. Just in case theres a shrink or a music video producer reading. Or Nick Clegg(whos really quite shit, six quid? wheres my fuckin membership card to stick in my wallet next to my asda staff card eh?)

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