Thursday, 18 June 2009

18th June 2009

Pubs and Politicians

In this last election I voted conservative. Controversial? yes possibly but only to all the left wing, I'm punker than the next guy who's punker than ya mom people I know who don't vote anyway. So quite frankly I don't think it entitles them to an opinion. Do I believe a Tory government would benefit this country? no Was it a protest vote? no Confusing? maybe. I voted Conservative due to the fact they were the only party which bothered to write to me. Not once but three times. I didn't even get as much as a newsletter from any of the other party's. Ive always been a great believer especially when I was putting on shows or trying to sells Cd's I was putting out, unless you personally know every single individual in the world. How do you know there not interested in the item or beliefs you are pushing? If someone knocks at my door trying to sells me an object(even if it is mainly heather) I will argue to death about there product but I will not shut the door . There are certain aspects of life where the Solomon fear of rejection would come into play. Politics however is not one of them!

Anyway I'm not sure I really like talking about politics, I feel it divides people which is why my main policy would be to save public houses, as i feel they unite people. Something that confuses me is politics mixing with music. I have a much greater love for music than I do for politics. I also believe that if you are passionate about something you should write about it. Although If you are comitted to changing something very deeply you should become a politician. Funnily enough on this topic Billy Bragg played in Wolverhampton tonight. I'm not the biggest fan I think hes alright and if I wasn't skint this week I probably would have gone. Anyway most of his songs are pretty much a basic message thrown across a few chords which is quite good. So this evening I set myself the task of writing and recording (on my phone) A song within an hour, and with a political message like Bragg would put across. I decide to use the topic I mentioned earlier on saving Public Houses.

This Song is called Save the pubs. It doesnt sound great as it was all written and recorded within an hour, and my phone isn't a video camera its a phone (and a lighter depending on how drunk I am) So its probably best you turn down the volume on the player a little bit.

Fat Greg - Save The Pubs

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