Thursday, 16 July 2009

My Head is Slowly Dropping of My Neck

I'm starting to suffer from extremely bad headaches from just sitting at the computer and writing stuff. Id love to go outside to write but the weathers rubbish. Im not going to leave the house until wasted ( apart from going to work and helping Ronnie move house on Sunday) I am determined to write ten perfectly crafted songs even it kills me. We are great need of gigs so if anyone reads this and wants us to play please message me. I like playing gigs and it also seems to give me an extra push to write towards. Also Dan appears to like playing gigs, and also appears to like drinking quite a lot and decided we should knock of a bottle of straight rum back before our last gig. This may not have been a great idea due to the stage mainly consisting of holes and masking tape. I would personally love to keep writing this blog more but until I have written my ten songs of life love and larger, it will remain short and sweet anyway here is a some lyrics from a drunken anthem I'm working on.

You broke her heart, and I broke ya nose
Turns out all she wanted, was buying new clothes
But I used my fists to win me my pride
and after all this she tossed me aside!

This songs for the fighters, not the winners, or great.
for the cold and the broken and ones that we hate
and with fists full of steel and hearts full of gold
well stand strong in this battle until we get old

(If I had a fortune id spend it on booze
its not who ya are its just what ya choose)

Were not in the headlines, were not on the news
lets raise our drinks high with nothing to loose
with nothing to loose! you are what ya choose! with nothing to loose!!

These friends are my hero's, they fill me with hope
We walk on this city, with the thinnest of rope
We conquer these mountains, using only our souls
We've swam through the oceans, and walked on the coals.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

3rd July 2009

Nothing New Or Old Or Anything Really

Sorry I haven't updated this for a week. Ive been busy thinking and playing rock and roll shows. To be quite honest nothing interesting has happenned. I guess you have to make intersesting things happpen which is why i want to just wan to run off with my guitar around my back.

The show on Friday at the wagon and horses was amazing! Happy 30 years to Johnny and thank you very much for letting me play your awesome show. The buffet was a tidy affair cheers mate.

I definitely have to say for both me and Dan that playing outside on a bench to a bunch of people beats hands down playing to no one inside. For the interest of those who are wondering who Dan is I am no longer a solo artist me and Dan are erm what you could describe as folk duet that being quite a loose expression. I also like to say thank you to all the people that gave me and Dan all that free beer on Friday night if people continue these stunts i will end up being really fat Greg! On Saturday night I went to the dogs races which was awesome although a little short lived I got to see Grant, Shane, Tom and Grants family all of which I haven't seen for a while. On another note if anyone has a house party this summer that would like me and Dan to play at it let me know i personally prefer playing parties for beer way better atmosphere. Pictures from Friday will hopefully be on there way soon. I have recently restarted up my ever growing addiction to google earth(anyone else use it a lot drop me a message its seriously a full on past time for me) It also has seemingly made me want to travel the world again. Ideally I would love to just busk. My way around the world. This could be seen as possible but I wouldn't like to do it by myself and finding someone to join me at the moment would probably be a bit of a struggle . Although as everyday draws to a close I feel a greater urge to just run off into the abyss. There will be some songs up online hopefully surfacing themselves in a form of a my space page later this week. Also Seen im now not longer a solo artist any ideas for band names ?We may also playing be a gig in Tenbury Wells within the next month or so I will also keep ya posted on that. As long it doesn't get flooded again this year, although going by the weather this week I think this would be unlikely.

My next blog which will be soon will be a lot more interesting Ive just lost something Ii need to complete it. Also If anyone knows of anything cool going on this weekend , let me know as I was supposed to be going to a house party in London but this seems to have fallen through.

Anyway I'm not quite sure why Michael Jackson's unexpected death. Has upset so many people? Joe Strummer, A musician who worked till the day he died to make interesting and diverse music (And also I'm pretty sure sold a large amount of records). Purely because he loved music. Unlike Jackson who quite frankly was pushed greatly into something he didn't want to do. Strummers death got a couple of news item and an interview with Bob Geldof (Who Strummer hated) Anyway I don't wish to go about this any longer as its obviously upset a lot of people who have lost something they loved. I think Jarvis Cocker summed up my opinions on the matter quite precisely on Question Time tonight. So if you want a better argument watch a re run. Anyway to bring this all to a point. Dont forget Jackson, but always remember Strummer.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

18th June 2009

Pubs and Politicians

In this last election I voted conservative. Controversial? yes possibly but only to all the left wing, I'm punker than the next guy who's punker than ya mom people I know who don't vote anyway. So quite frankly I don't think it entitles them to an opinion. Do I believe a Tory government would benefit this country? no Was it a protest vote? no Confusing? maybe. I voted Conservative due to the fact they were the only party which bothered to write to me. Not once but three times. I didn't even get as much as a newsletter from any of the other party's. Ive always been a great believer especially when I was putting on shows or trying to sells Cd's I was putting out, unless you personally know every single individual in the world. How do you know there not interested in the item or beliefs you are pushing? If someone knocks at my door trying to sells me an object(even if it is mainly heather) I will argue to death about there product but I will not shut the door . There are certain aspects of life where the Solomon fear of rejection would come into play. Politics however is not one of them!

Anyway I'm not sure I really like talking about politics, I feel it divides people which is why my main policy would be to save public houses, as i feel they unite people. Something that confuses me is politics mixing with music. I have a much greater love for music than I do for politics. I also believe that if you are passionate about something you should write about it. Although If you are comitted to changing something very deeply you should become a politician. Funnily enough on this topic Billy Bragg played in Wolverhampton tonight. I'm not the biggest fan I think hes alright and if I wasn't skint this week I probably would have gone. Anyway most of his songs are pretty much a basic message thrown across a few chords which is quite good. So this evening I set myself the task of writing and recording (on my phone) A song within an hour, and with a political message like Bragg would put across. I decide to use the topic I mentioned earlier on saving Public Houses.

This Song is called Save the pubs. It doesnt sound great as it was all written and recorded within an hour, and my phone isn't a video camera its a phone (and a lighter depending on how drunk I am) So its probably best you turn down the volume on the player a little bit.

Fat Greg - Save The Pubs

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

17th June 2009

Fancy A Jog?

This sky news watching is killing me. I hate TV and don't even own one, so unless I go for a jog or play guitar(My fingers are bleeding) Ive got my Japanese Audio Learning tapes which are getting too repetitive(that's supposes to be the point though isn't it) Ive Decided to organise a sponsored race to Las Vegas from Birmingham. It wont work, ideas like this never do. Its part of the whole positive/negative daydreaming thing. To be quite honest I'm tempted to do it by myself without sponsorship. The problem is I haven't quite lost the plot enough yet. Although I will soon.

I very strongly want to loose the plot. I want to do something positive. I used to love putting on shows but the problem is I cant fork out of my own pocket when everyone decides they'd rather stay at home and watch sky news or whatever it is the cool kids do these days. Id be also perfectly happy to turn to organised crime, but i don't know anyone that's involved in that pastime anymore. They all went to jail. Where there probably watching sky news and thinking of something constructive to do.
Anyway what festivals are everyone going to this summer? Rebellion looks like a good idea and the line up started to look good when first released it but slowly went down hill. Reading looks average but I could possibly have walked to Las Vegas by the time id have got hold of a ticket. In all honesty I'm hoping il discover an amazing new band which will change my life and way of thinking. Like when I was 13 and first heard a specials record and decided to start wearing a suit and going round starting fights with metrosexuals who were a lot bigger and older than me outside clubs.
They wern't metrosexuals then but they are now and I'm pretty sure they were already idiots at that point. Why is it cool to look like a tony and guy model? and go and go to a club and listen to really terrible music which has no soul and no charisma. This is judgmental? Its also a pretty hypocritical thing to say. Its only terrible because I view it as terrible. I guess anyone could tell you the real problem is it must be raging jealousy. I wasn't cool at school and I'm still bitter about it. I was bullied and instead of getting of my ass and fixing up and looking sharp(As Mr rascal quite quaintly put it) I just continued to be bitter at people that were doing slightly well. This relates back to the achieving your goals vs shitting on everyone argument. But that was yesterdays news. Is this because I'm supposed to be open to new things? This is why I'm stuck in a constant day dream. But as stated already I'm apathetic and consider it a good thing. I guess it may be to do with the fact I have such an underlying love and passion for music that when you love something so much you cant understand why everyone doesn't share the same love for it?. Is it called being close minded? or having a belief? I cant decide. The problem is I sense things in people. Unfortunately what I sense in people probably isn't true. In fact it isn't. It just goes with the emotions of being apathetic. I mean although I sense that they all look so worried that there not going to get that quick shag which probably is why theres so many fight outside clubs. Although maybe theres so many fights is because winging geeks like me wont just get on and settle in. Meanwhile Dicks taking on four people in snobs by himself looking like the new stone cold Steve Austin until he gets glassed? Don't ever use a glass in a fight if you kill someone it wont be that quick shag your quite so worried about anymore. I thought id grow out of winging about stuff like this in my early teens for some reason I didn't. I'm a cunt get over it.

Anyway I've written a massive blog for tomorrow on politics bit more intellectual that today's topic which Ive wittered on about too many times. So here's a little poem. Its about the problems in England really aren't about immigration or recession and constants upset caused by employment and rising prices . Its actually caused by the fact we live under a cloud and the cloud decides to budge about once a year. Then everyone gets positive and shifts back again and its back to being mundane and dull.

Under This Cloud

Under this cloud theres a chance for us all
but if no one gets up then the chance is quite small
if we dont lift our hands then we wont move the sky
and the streets will stay wet and the rivers run dry.

If we dont write a letter it just wont get sent
we wont live for free if we still pay the rent
if they lock us all up then we cant do them proud
we wont live forever not under this cloud.

(sorry for the shortness I wrote it completly off the top of my head)

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

16th June 2009

Guess what happened to me today?

No one reads this I can write whatever I like about people right?

Anyway since my last update I have been to Las Vegas. This is heaven, as its full or retired gangsters, free drinks and hookers, normally the kind of people I get on very well with. Although you develop a gambling problem and a loss of time. I also went to Mexico where I had a bad incident with a dentist. But a good incident with the staff at the pharmacy. We had a bbq in Kings Heath park which was quite heoric until somone kicked a football onto it, and mapatazi bob get better and better everytime I see them play. Some idiot also let me play with the Zatopeks. So this year ive been to Vegas and played with the Zatopeks. Alls well apart from my head.

So Guess what happened to me today? Absolutely nothing.

I got up went to work came home smoked a tonne drank about 20 cups of coffee and I'm about to go to sleep. Except I'm not about to go to sleep I'm about to stay up and watch sky news which due to it being a 24 hour channel apparently means it need to be shown on the t.v set in my house 24 hours a day. To be quite honest its like a bad film. Not sky news however. Recently I have begun to plan things quite a bit. In fact I wouldn't say quite a bit id say worryingly quite a lot. I am extremely unsure if this is selfishness or just Ive day dreamed that much for that long that its gone beyond day dreaming and turned into full scale prophetic visions. In the past couple of weeks in my head not only have I planned my wedding which is think most people would find unusual for a straight male. I have also planned my funeral. Neither of these I plan to attend as I will probably be busy staring in a gaze at sky news the only source of entertainment in the hamlet of Caunsall. The wedding thing could kind of be considered as a nice thoughtful daydream from a lonely little punk rock kid. The funeral thing however may I add isn't even attention seeking its just pure selfishness! So mainly this week my mind has now been on where do we draw the line between hopes and aspirations, and being selfish cunts? I'm sure there are a lot of people who say I see daily in big cars and suits that would walk over anyone to get what they want and many people perceive this as these said people achieving their goals. Which is nice id love to achieve my own personal goal of being able to afford to rent a flat on my own. Not three flats. Not an Audi. Just a small simple flat with a bed and a kitchen and enough to buy some bottles of cider or something at the weekend! So this positive side puts me into the good side of the whole hopes vs being a selfish cunt debate. Although the funeral visions still strongly put me on the negative side of the argument. Another on going daydream/plan is, I plan the first music video my band are going to make hang on a second, I don't have a band. I do play gigs correct (the next one is at the wagon and horses 26th of June with my long awaited violin player) ( This is product placement, Ive learnt this from all the sky news Ive been watching recently) Anyway I'm a pretty shoddy musician and the day wont come when someone will pay me to make a video. So I shouldn't hope for it. The problem is these days dreams have developed too far and I now have to kick myself into reality before I actually go and tell someone about the video shoot I have tomorrow. This is a SERIOUS problem. I have recently signed up as a member of a Liberal Democrat to help solve all these problems as I know they will let me lead there party, and then I will go on to be Priminster this isn't a daydream its common sense. I will win the campaign on the re opening of all pubs that have been shut, fuck the expenses scandal I honestly think this is main issue facing our country. Where are we gonna go complain about all these thieving politicians? Anyway sorry for being so apathetic, but I actually consider apathy to be a good personality trait like humour, and bitterness. Anyway heres an uplifting song from the tossers to cheer you up ( I listened to it but it didn't help my day dreaming)

Oh and these bitter fuckin blogs are going to happen everday for no one. Just in case theres a shrink or a music video producer reading. Or Nick Clegg(whos really quite shit, six quid? wheres my fuckin membership card to stick in my wallet next to my asda staff card eh?)

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

9th Febuary 2008

No LUCK Its Fat Greg!

Anyone get the pun? don't worry me neither.The King Blues were fantastic Sunday night, Contender for gig off the year? First off I'm 22 and I appear to still be subject to childish bullying. I was listening to an article on the radio today about a man who is 50 and due to being bullied when he was younger found it hard to cope in general run of the mill life and refuses to speak to anyone at all! In a way this guys got the right idea in theory if you didn't speak to anyone no one could accuse of acting out of line and saying thing in which didn't agree were necessary. Anyway back to my point I was outside a certain Club a couple of weeks ago a absolutely massive yob with a school uniform on (I'm pretty sure the school he attends wouldn't have been open at 4 on a Saturday morning,maybe he had a bullying fetish....) Felt it was a reasonable idea to steal my hat. Not only did he find it reasonable to steal my hat he also found it a reasonable idea to wear in on his oversize head. I then had to leap up using my friend as a foot rest and grab it off his head. I read the tag and surely enough it was my hat that this buffoon was wearing it. I politely informed him of this to which he grabbed the hat back and uttered in a manner which sounded like Fred Flinstone after having an accident in what ever prehistoric car he drives in. "My Hat" Can you believe it! No please thank you, tika hoki,arigato,diolch yn fawr. Anyway he then in a little better English informs me he is going to hurt me if i don't let him be. I loved that hat I feel upset its going to spend the rest of its life snuggled up on someone elses head. Probably feeling uneasy that it left me for a drunken fling after a club. Then this weekend in the same place I lost my newly technological space phone. This however is being replaced which is nice but i didn't have the same attachment as I did in with the hat. In fact this past week or so I have been in planning deep plans of revenge in order to regain my hat. This has involved going to the gym everyday, starting rock climbing(which I was rubbish at), I have also considered getting a picture of the hat tattooed on my chest so when i find the oaf that stole it and rip of my shirt ready to do battle he will see the reason that I have come to kill him with my bare hands. Note: this is bare hands not "bear" hands, although if anyone knows a route to obtaining "bear" hands inform me as they may come in handy in killing him. My car also seems to be dying this week so i may revert to walking everywhere to even further build up my strength. Anyway music in the second city is amazing at the moment. Punk and Ska @ Scruffies was top again with more people there than ever and it carrying on to well into the early hours! I am aware that I point this out in multiple blogs. The reason for this being in my head my millions of imaginary friends read this and all go wow then the next time i turn up at Scruffies there is tonnes of celebrities and press there all asking Ronnie how he puts on such a good night with such good people. Unfortunately only Johnny reads this and he goes anyway. I am still writing songs I just wrote quite a heartfelt one called rock n roll dreams. Although I don't wish to publish it on here as a) I want to perform these songs on a stage at some point this year instead of just going on about how good they are online and b) Posting a heartfelt song this close to valentines day may suggest I'm friend with the 50 year billy no mates. Which I'm not as I always found him ignorant. On a Final note there is so much awesome stuff coming up in Birmingham in the next few months starting of this Friday with various djs including Ronnie at the Acadagay on dales end, notice the double pun? I have also come up with an idea for a music club night where people can go to a pub in Birmingham in order to swop records have a couple of pints and generally discuss and promote gigs that are going on. Its good for promoting upcoming gigs and records that you may own and like. Johnny you being the only person reading this let me know what you think? Suggest the idea to other people then get them to tell me what they think. I of course wouldn't attend as I'm pretty sure my drunken plane crash of a face used to scare half the people going to the gig but I could still organise it and maybe the people attending could put a framed picture of me above the fireplace as the founder.

Me and My adored hat with its other hat friends! 2008-2009 (Maybe one day we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when)

Here's a list of some rocking shows and stuff coming up in Birmingham.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

14th January 2009

Lip up fatty

Basically im going to keep this short and sweet as theres a lot of things going on in my head that are getting my quite run down at the moment. I think ive hit a quarter life crisis since turning 22 In a way I hope this is true as 88 would be a good age to live to. In the past few weeks I have shaved me head to skin and spent 80 pounds on interior car accessories. I am now skint with a bald head and still having not sold my saxaphone(If anyone wants this please get in touch) am without an eight track to record the beautiful music i am currently writing on my bust up old guitar. I have also started to have dreams that I frequently used to have in my teens about being a rockstar. Although I still wake up to go to work everyday as car park attendent. Although car park attendents can pretend to be rockstars or in the case santa fuckin clause.(Mom if you read this excuse my language)

Sunday, 4 January 2009

4th January 2009

A Little Poem Thingy

Basically ive written a lot of songs recently they're mainly pants but i haven't forked out on a any recording equipment to record them anyway and seen as i write constantly at the moment i like showing things to people but i cant post them up as a song because yeah no equipment! Anyway I wrote this of the top of my head in about ten minutes normally quick fire writing doesn't make any sense! but this makes perfectly good sense to me!

Finding time to leave this town
Wasnt hard with a kiss and a frown
I returned to the hell where it all goes down
But the devil had forget my name
So I hung my head in shame

Hands on my cheeks feet in my face
Running downhill but loosing the chase
I guess there was hope if I pleaded my case
But not everyones gonna get picked
So I looked in his eyes till he clicked

He said sorry but your timings late
Everyones been through the gate
I can see youve got your plan on a plate
But if youve got anything you regret
I can soon teach you how to forget

Thursday, 1 January 2009

1st January 2009

2:30 Dentist Time!

Well I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and new year!
New Year was good it consisted of going to some pubs then to a party then back to some pubs then back to a party then to another party where I was given some stew before returning to the other party to see everyone had received free fried chicken needless to say it was rockin!

I am happy to say this year though I ate possibly the best Christmas dinner I have ever eaten in fact I liked it so much I proceed to eat it again. Not in the sick In your mouth kind of way I reheated it at about 11 at night on Christmas day. My mom also decided to buy my dad a wii it he used it on Christmas day and I doubt it will get used again now till next year but anyway the bowling's quite good even if I'm scared he gonna end up putting his fist through the t.v.
Any new years resolutions? mine is to become a travelling folk musician i have some songs written there pretty bad though but I figure by the end of this year i should be good enough to just pack up my guitar and leave. Having aspirations like this at 22 is why I will probably never get married or have kids. But hey I can always buy a dog to celebrate hitting 40. Also another is to stop upsetting random members of the public by accident while in a pub on my birthday what I thought to be quite and attractive young girl turned around to my friend and decided to ask him how much the drink was displayed on the till at i saw it £2.30 and turned to the being the witty little know it all idiot I can be sometimes and blurted out dentist time! as in 2.30 "Tooth-Hurty" the girl then opened to what can only be described as mouth like the Tibet skyline. Anyway she got quite upset by this and I had to slowly explain the joke and calm her down by assuring her that her teeth weren't bad they just were not exactly usual i mean look at Shane Magowan hes a massive success without ever going to the dentist.
I'm trying to get hold of a decent 4 track or something along those line this week so i can post up some songs which Ive written and some lovely covers.
I'm going to stop writing soon as i suddenly got the horrible thought creeping through me that you know when you say at school if you were being to made to do something you would never do it again of your own back well remember those diary's you were asked to write about your holiday when you got back to school well yeah......
Anyway question of the week is what song do you want playing at your funeral?
This a seemingly popular question I seem to be asking to everyone at the moment it may sound an odd one but I feel you can tell a lot about a person by what music they listen to and what song would sum them up more than that. Also I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person that's scared of popping there clogs and getting a shit song played at the funeral.
I began asking this to everyone recently its turning into a bit of a survey although the feedback isnt that great as a lot of people think its some kind of morbid chat up line to which im going to reply "cus your going to feel dead " by the end of tonight.
Sorry if this has been quite badly written im quite hungover and orange juice seems to be giving me heartburn recently. Anyone want to buy a saxaphone ? I have one going good rate, good case etc.

Anway Artist of the week is this guy let me know if you think hes rockin or have his cds or anything else.

Tim Barry