Anyone get the pun? don't worry me neither.The King Blues were fantastic Sunday night, Contender for gig off the year? First off I'm 22 and I appear to still be subject to childish bullying. I was listening to an article on the radio today about a man who is 50 and due to being bullied when he was younger found it hard to cope in general run of the mill life and refuses to speak to anyone at all! In a way this guys got the right idea in theory if you didn't speak to anyone no one could accuse of acting out of line and saying thing in which didn't agree were necessary. Anyway back to my point I was outside a certain Club a couple of weeks ago a absolutely massive yob with a school uniform on (I'm pretty sure the school he attends wouldn't have been open at 4 on a Saturday morning,maybe he had a bullying fetish....) Felt it was a reasonable idea to steal my hat. Not only did he find it reasonable to steal my hat he also found it a reasonable idea to wear in on his oversize head. I then had to leap up using my friend as a foot rest and grab it off his head. I read the tag and surely enough it was my hat that this buffoon was wearing it. I politely informed him of this to which he grabbed the hat back and uttered in a manner which sounded like Fred Flinstone after having an accident in what ever prehistoric car he drives in. "My Hat" Can you believe it! No please thank you, tika hoki,arigato,diolch yn fawr. Anyway he then in a little better English informs me he is going to hurt me if i don't let him be. I loved that hat I feel upset its going to spend the rest of its life snuggled up on someone elses head. Probably feeling uneasy that it left me for a drunken fling after a club. Then this weekend in the same place I lost my newly technological space phone. This however is being replaced which is nice but i didn't have the same attachment as I did in with the hat. In fact this past week or so I have been in planning deep plans of revenge in order to regain my hat. This has involved going to the gym everyday, starting rock climbing(which I was rubbish at), I have also considered getting a picture of the hat tattooed on my chest so when i find the oaf that stole it and rip of my shirt ready to do battle he will see the reason that I have come to kill him with my bare hands. Note: this is bare hands not "bear" hands, although if anyone knows a route to obtaining "bear" hands inform me as they may come in handy in killing him. My car also seems to be dying this week so i may revert to walking everywhere to even further build up my strength. Anyway music in the second city is amazing at the moment. Punk and Ska @ Scruffies was top again with more people there than ever and it carrying on to well into the early hours! I am aware that I point this out in multiple blogs. The reason for this being in my head my millions of imaginary friends read this and all go wow then the next time i turn up at Scruffies there is tonnes of celebrities and press there all asking Ronnie how he puts on such a good night with such good people. Unfortunately only Johnny reads this and he goes anyway. I am still writing songs I just wrote quite a heartfelt one called rock n roll dreams. Although I don't wish to publish it on here as a) I want to perform these songs on a stage at some point this year instead of just going on about how good they are online and b) Posting a heartfelt song this close to valentines day may suggest I'm friend with the 50 year billy no mates. Which I'm not as I always found him ignorant. On a Final note there is so much awesome stuff coming up in Birmingham in the next few months starting of this Friday with various djs including Ronnie at the Acadagay on dales end, notice the double pun? I have also come up with an idea for a music club night where people can go to a pub in Birmingham in order to swop records have a couple of pints and generally discuss and promote gigs that are going on. Its good for promoting upcoming gigs and records that you may own and like. Johnny you being the only person reading this let me know what you think? Suggest the idea to other people then get them to tell me what they think. I of course wouldn't attend as I'm pretty sure my drunken plane crash of a face used to scare half the people going to the gig but I could still organise it and maybe the people attending could put a framed picture of me above the fireplace as the founder.
Me and My adored hat with its other hat friends! 2008-2009 (Maybe one day we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when)
Here's a list of some rocking shows and stuff coming up in Birmingham.
Here's a list of some rocking shows and stuff coming up in Birmingham.